Monday, March 29, 2010

"Look, Mommy!"

"I'm a really tough guy with my split lip and my caterpillar tattoo!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Maple Sugar Saturday

Each year the last Sunday in March in Maine is Maple Sugar Sunday. Thankfully, some farms are open on Saturday as well (for those of us who want to go to church on Sunday morning!). Farms all over the state have open houses. Our friends Jason and Amber came with us to two farms about a half hour drive from our town. We enjoyed the pancake breakfast at Triple C Farm in Alfred, toured the barn and sugar shack (pictured above, which smells like toasted caramel with the evaporator going), and climbed on a tractor. Then we drove over to Harris Farm in Dayton, where we went on a hayride, smelled more syrup and fresh maple doughnuts, and petted more cows. Harris Farm was a better space for Ben to run around, but I'd be happy to visit both again next year.






Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"I have discovered the intoxicating joy of sliding!"

California Weather

Here is an assortment of photos from our beautiful Saturday. It got up to 68 degrees here in Maine! We went to the playground in the morning AND in the afternoon, then grilled out and had dinner on the back porch.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Funniest Mommy in the World, Pt. 2

I think I've already established myself as the funniest mommy in the universe, but in case you're not convinced, I submit this second video, in which I cause a faceless sock puppet to gobble up and then vomit a plastic handle onto my son.

For some reason puking and gagging sounds are guaranteed to produce a laugh these days. Clearly he hasn't had any stomach viruses yet.

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa

Ben had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa this past week. He was constantly laughing at, chasing, and tickling Grandpa and hugging and kissing Grandma.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Helping out around the house...

Ben enjoys playing with the dust mop and broom, and he's always angling for the spray bottles locked under the kitchen sink. His favorite, by far, is the vacuum! Vacuuming is now a family activity. I have to let Ben help me throughout the vacuuming process and then leave it out for him to inspect thoroughly and pantomime cleaning. Maybe one day he'll be a vacuuming perfectionist like his Uncle Scott!


Ben played with this Jack-in-the-Box all day, after borrowing it from his friend Ezra. Thanks, friend!