We weighed Ben yesterday morning and discovered he is now 18 pounds.

Most of that is just bone and boy--he doesn't have much baby fat on him. He's about to bust out of his infant seat, and kicks his bassinet so hard I'm sure he'll soon reduce it to timber. He is really weighing down his bouncy seat as well. I'm sure the turkey and dressing I plan to gobble up this week will assist in sending Ben over the limit. On the other hand, I'm getting tons of exercise just picking him up. We'll move to the crib this week and upgrade the car seat soon as well (thanks to Ya Ya's Christmas gift).
Yesterday in Babies R Us I talked to a woman with her granddaughter, who is 8 months old and weighs 14 pounds. Ben positively dwarfed her. My dad says if he doesn't fit in their car seat when we visit for Christmas, he'll just let Ben drive the car.
(FYI, he doesn't have red hair, it's just a case of orange-tinted cradle cap.)
Wow. We thought JT was big. (He's 22 pounds at 9 months; Al works with someone who has a 25 pound 18 month old.) But it sounds like JT has nothing on Ben (other than hair, Al says).
I'm stunned.
Looks like Chunks is on target for Sumo! Glad you're back with the boy.
Way to go ben!!! Oh, that's awesome! I love the big kids. Selah's about 16 pounds at 4 1/2 months...and that's 90th percentile they said. Looks like Ben will be tall like daddy.
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