Fellow parents will recall how exciting it is to get your first baby portraits. We did all our Christmas shopping in one go yesterday when we went to get Ben's first professional photos at the mall. It was overwhelming and exhausting for him (and me!), but he was a great sport, providing us some beautiful smiles and a whole lot of vomit. When we got home, I obsessed over putting our copies in frames around the house. Chris enjoyed pointing out how nonsensical it is to stare at a photo when you have the real thing right in front of you, but there you go, I'm shamelessly ridiculous. Besides, I caught him doing it this morning.
Here's a little preview. We didn't actually order these particular photos. Family members: The ones you are receiving are even better. (Also, they don't have copyright watermark on our faces.) The only change I'll make in the future is to insist on sitting cross-legged as I normally would. The photographer insisted I contort myself unnaturally, so I look crazed and awkward in every photo. Fortunately, the two gentlemen look relaxed.

C has officially declard Ben to be a "cutie pie." B and I concur.
I meant DECLARED. Declard sounds like some bad dialect.
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