Friday, July 30, 2010

Toddler Road Trip

Ben and I took a toddler road trip with our friends R and E today! We got up and into the car straightaway, arriving at the New England Aquarium just after opening time. Ben was most interested in the seals, and little E loved the penguins so much he almost jumped in with them. E stared at the big central tank and gasped "Wow!" while Ben jogged up and down the ramps.

After the tots got bored and R and I felt a bit woozy from staring through curved glass, the boys had a picnic outside on the wharf. The weather was warm, dry, and breezy--a perfect summer day. Ben was especially interested in the fencing along the pier--taut rope with loose washers he could run along them. Aaaah, the details that little ones find joy in!

Post elevensies we walked over to a crowded Quincy Market for some "mom food." It turned out to be huge portions of curry that, although tasty, filled us quickly with regret, knowing we had more walking planned. E napped and Ben pushed his stroller around on the cobblestones.

The highlight of the day was splashing in a fountain and then the frog pond (aka, wading pool) in the Common. Ben just sat on the edge of the water in his diaper, splashing his feet and dunking his forehead in and cracking up, while R and E walked across the huge, shallow pond.

After anointing his head with water, Ben got into his "zen" pose. Or is that the "I'm ready for my nap in the car" pose?

1 comment:

Jackamo said...

What a fun day! I wish that we could have come with you. far away. Ben is just getting cuter and cuter. I love all the wading pools you guys have up there. Nifty!