Thursday, May 27, 2010

21 Months

Ben turned 21 months on our 10-year anniversary. He is learning some new words (although you need a "Mommy translator" for many of them) and wants to be a part of everything. He loves to help me put away clean dishes in the cupboard and "help" in the kitchen while I'm cooking. On this particular evening, that involved banging on things with a spoon and picking all of the "good stuff" out of the fruit salad.

We had a heat wave this week (it ended last night, which is fine with me), but it gave us the opportunity to go to a friend's pool party one afternoon and play in the sprinkler the following day. Once Ben got used to the icy water from Lake Sebago that comes out of our tap, he had a lot of splashy fun.

I also found a great secondhand easel for him this week, and he really likes drawing with chalk. He doesn't like the goopy feel of paint on his fingers, and I am just as happy that chalk is easier to clean. (Incidentally, I like that you can admire his perfect Alfred Hitchcock profile in this photo.)

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