We had basically problem-free travel for Christmas this year (provided my omnipresent back pain is discounted). We're very thankful for not experiencing any breakdowns, traffic jams, nasty weather, flight delays, or illnesses. Ben slept well in four different homes, became proficient at walking, and gave out many, many hugs. Uncle Scott was his favorite hug recipient, and I'm told he is currently experiencing hug withdrawal. Ickie and I feasted on rich food, jogged on ice-free roads, met up with old friends, and enjoyed all the babysitting help. Whenever Ben's grandparents and Aunt Jackamo email me some photos from our visits, I'll post them. Until then, here are a few photos of Ben enjoying being back home with his daddy and learning to play Wii baseball.

FYI, I discovered the following things on our travels, which other parents might find helpful: 1.
starfall.com is great for fussy tots (Thanks, Ya Ya!), 2. Starbucks will refill your child's sippy cup with milk or juice for free, and 3. Air Tran will move you to an earlier connection without charging extra.